The scrolling images above are of board members , directors and senior managers of SABP and MCCH Society Ltd. These images are already available online on SABP's and MCCH's own websites. Click on images for details of who these people are.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Action Plan

The Surrey and Borders NHS Partnership ( S&BP) recently cut the £3 a day wages to disabled people working in its showcase Old Moat Garden Centre in Epson Surrey. S&BP, which has financial difficulties, claimed it had cut these meagre payments to ' Modernise' its services.

Read more here exploitation of disabled people in the workplace

This blog was set up so that people disgusted with S&BP's actions and concerned about getting justice for the Old Moat Garden Centre workers could co-ordinate their efforts to more effectively campaign against this shameless exploitation. From its responses to date it seems that S&BP does not believe that ordinary members of the public have a right to scrutinise its actions.

Corporate Aims

The following Policy & Aims Wheel' Capturing Hope and Building on Dreams' appeared in the December 2005 edition of the Surrey & Borders Partnership newletter ' Transitions.

Here's what S&BP had to say about its pretty picture at the time:

"Vision and Values are very important to the Trust. They will actively govern the way we work and the decisions we make in the future. Our aim is for all people to be able to use the reference statements in the outer circle to describe their experiences of the Trust."

The reality is a lot uglier though. Lets consider those reference statements in the context of S&BP's exploitation of disabled workers at the Trusts Old Moat Garden Centre.

"We communicate honestly"

"We are real about money"

"My Contribution is Valued'

The Surrey and Borders Partnership has just taken the pitiful £3 a day it was paying its disabled workers away from them without any notice and these people felt so valued one disabled workers father took up the Trust' penny pinching with the press and his local MP.

S&BP Chief Executive Fiona Edwards clearly needs some moral guidance to help her lead her organisation back into its inner ring of Vision and Values.
Please help Ms edwards to do this by using the links on this blog to protest about the disgusting way the Surrey and Borders NHS Partnership Trust is currently exploiting disabled people at the Old Moat Garden Centre in Epsom

Please also feel free to add to or comment on our action list and posts.


Brief Action List

1. Set up action list that explains the issue, what action we are taking and what other people can do to help.

2. Contact the orginal news organisation that reported on this issue and Radio Jackie and give them a short ' Surrey & Borders Trust digs in heels over cuts to disabled garden centre workers pay ' update.

3. Use the Freedom of Information Act to request a copy of the Modernisation document from Surrey & Borders NHS Trust Pertnership to get details of how it consulted with the garden centre workers over this and to obtain other relevant information.

4. Find out more about S&BP generally.

5. Find out more about Priority Enterprises , the 'brokering ' organisation here , and if necessary write to their funders to ensure a professional response.

6. Write to the Charity Commission about Priority Enterprises refusal to respond to complaints while it manages disabled people whose workplace conditions and views are clearly being ignored. .

7. Write to DWP, Health and Safety Executive and DTI asking them to ensure ' Modernisation ' complies with their rules and regulations and the law . S&BP has used the term ' Therapeutic Earnings' , this category was officially ' Modernised ' into the ' Permitted Earnings ' scheme, only S&BP has attempted to ' Modernise' by totally cutting workers pay.

8. Raise concerns about S&bp's actions with your MP..

9. Find out more about the garden centre , local worthies on board , who its suppliers are , etc. so that pressure can be applied on the ' business ' itself and reported to the local media. S&BP should not profit from treating its disabled workers in such a mean spirited way.

10. Write to Trade Unions active within the S&BT Trust.

11. Write to LD & MH charities asking them to form an opinion on this appalling situation.


At 11:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont buy anything from them.

At 12:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you dont have to register then you can just post your views and other info !

At 1:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess so

At 1:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is incredible. £3 a day and its 'Modernising' to take that away and leave workers with nothing? What am I missing here?

At 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's absolutely disgusting. The managers get the NHS into debt, and patients and disabled workers suffer.

At 2:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a copy of the
complaint mail I have written to
Surrey Supported Employment and I have also written to the low pay unit to complain. I hope everyone will write to complain so that they will be forced to change their policies and stop using these workers as unpaid labour.

Surrey Supported Employment

C/o EmployAbility

White Lodge Adult Centre

Holloway Hill


Surrey, KT16 0AE

13th June 2006

Dear Sir or Madam

I understand from your website that you at Surrey Supported Employment have the following


Develop and share good practice
Share Experiences, Expertise and Information

Provide opportunities for partnership working and access to funding

Increase employment opportunities for people disadvantaged from the work place due to their disability or health condition

It is therefore shocking to me and to other mentally disabled people to read that you have cut a derisory

£3 per day payment to workers at the Old Moat Garden Centre to no payment at all. I would like to know

what your policies are with regard to paying the minimum wage and to suggest that it

is illegal for you to pay workers at the Garden Centre or any other of your workplaces less than this rate.

Neither can you keep people as cheap or unpaid labour by claiming they are trainees when they have been doing this hard work

for long periods and are not being trained. Please reply to my request for more information regarding your policies

and practices for paying your workers at least the minimum wage. All responses to our complaints to you and other agencies

related to this matter are being refered to our campaign website at :

We will not rest until we see justice for our fellow disabled people.

Yours Sincerely

Jill Goble UKSurvivors

At 8:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have written to the Low Pay Unit and Surrey Supported Employment to complain about this today. It is disgusting to treat us disabled people as unpaid labour.I hope everyone who reads this blog will write to as many people as possible and complain so we can try and get some justice. Here is a copy of my complaint mail to Surrey Supported Employment:

Surrey Supported Employment

C/o EmployAbility

White Lodge Adult Centre

Holloway Hill


Surrey, KT16 0AE

13th June 2006

Dear Sir or Madam

I understand from your website that you at Surrey Supported Employment have the following

Develop and share good practice
Share Experiences, Expertise and Information

Provide opportunities for partnership working and access to funding

Increase employment opportunities for people disadvantaged from the work place due to their disability or health condition

It is therefore shocking to me and to other mentally disabled people to read that you have cut a derisory £3 per day payment to workers at the Old Moat Garden Centre to no payment at all. I would like to know

what your policies are with regard to paying the minimum wage and to suggest that it is illegal for you to pay workers at the Garden Centre or any other of your workplaces less than this rate.

Neither can you keep people as cheap or unpaid labour by claiming they are trainees when they have been doing this hard work
for long periods and are not being trained.
Please reply to my request for more information regarding your policies and practices for paying your workers at least the minimum wage. All responses to our complaints to you and other agencies related to this matter are being refered to our campaign website at :

We will not rest until we see justice for our fellow disabled people.

Yours Sincerely

Jill Goble UKSurvivors

At 2:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just found out the following:
National Minimum Wage Helpline
0845 6000678
Weekdays 9.00am to 5pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Bank Holidays Closed.
Provides advice to Employers and Employees on the rules of National Minimum Wage. It also deals with complaints from employees who are being paid below the threshold

It says that people can complain anonymously if they want. I think it is worth ringing them up to say the workers at the Garden Centre are not being paid. Jill

At 10:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would recommend that some of the workers, or their representatives, contact the Disability Rights Commission, , they are the body responsible for enforcing the Disability Discrimination Act, which as I see it is clearly being violated here.



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