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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mind Matters, Surrey & Borders Trust Garden Centre Workers Do Not

A copy of an e-mail sent to Paul Farmer , the Chief Executive of UK Mental Health Charity Mind. Mr Farmer is clearly too busy to comment.

Paul Farmer

Dear Mr Farmer,

I would like to know Mind's view on the Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Trust cutting payments to disabled workers at its commercial garden centre -from £3 a day to nothing - prior to handing over operation of the centre to a charitable Trust.

The Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust calls this Modernisation .

Service users , members of the public , the local media ,a local Surrey MP and of course the garden centre workers themselves have loudly protested about this Modernisation.

The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
, was involved in the decisions to cut payments to the disabled workers and have them work at the commercial garden centre for nothing so it would be useful to know how many MH charities support service users being treated in this appalling way.

Would you kindly clarify your organisations position on this matter.

Please acknowledge receipt

I look forward to hearing from you

Mr Slamback

From: m.ereira@...
Cc: l.morgan(at)
Date: Jul 27, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: FAO Paul Farmer re Policy Issue

Dear Mr Slamback,

Thank you for your e-mail to Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind regarding the recent actions of the Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust.

Paul has a number of out of office appointments scheduled in the next couple of weeks but he will respond to your e-mail as soon as possible.


Dorottya Norton
PA to the Policy Director

15 - 19 Broadway, Stratford, London E15 4BQ
Tel: 020 8215 2264
Fax: 020 8215 2292


At 9:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A number of out of office appointments scheduled in the next couple of weeks?

Think that needs popularising as a response to Mind's tin rattlers and fund raisers.

At 2:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was psychologically abused by Mind Support Workers when I lived in a Mind flat .It made me so upset and frustrated I became ill.

David Hart the Chairman of Mind in Birmingham at the time was not interested in my complaints. He said: "I cannot deal with subjective asertions."

I felt very alone and powerless.

At 8:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


MH professionals are pretty good at using diagnostic language to dismiss their clients views. I'm sure Mr Hart considered his own views objective.


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