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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Surrey & Borders AGM

From Rosemary

There was a question somewhere on this blog about when the Surrey & Borders AGM would be. The date is in the S&B newspaper "Partnership People" on the SABP website - 28 September at 4.15-4.45pm, following the Board meeting in public 2-4pm. Both at Bourne Hall, in Ewell.

Rosemary in Surrey
Mental Magazine

I dont have time right now to link to Google Map through their API and I dont know Ewell that well so it would be great if Rosemary could geotag one of her Flickr images , a notice for the AGM maybe and place it in Ewell using the map function in organizr then I can link directly to it so that visitors to the blog can get directions. A brief note in caption box about best stations, etc would also help.

Rosemary also suggested handing out our Pledge and campaign leaflets at the AGM so to that end here are a couple of flyers about the pledge , with Flyer 2 being editable so that you can chop and change to suit or just use it as a template to raise awaremess of other issues at the AGM.

If we all print out stuff we are sharing the cost of leafletting.

Standard Flyer PDF

Editable Flyer RTF


At 1:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Des -

Adequate travel information details are on the Bourne Hall website that you have linked to.

Rosemary in Surrey

At 10:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Rose thou art a thorn sometimes :

For a better map to help people out :

Bourne Hall Ewell by balloon markers (south) and to the north the London Areas

At 12:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm busy writing a reply to Helen Lockett at the moment. I am using some material from her own publication 'Paying a Real Wage to People in Work Projects' to help persuade her that she really should and could pay a real wage to the people in the work projects she has been project managing at SABPT!
Anyway once that is done I'd like to spend some time on doing leaflets to hand out at the AGM as you suggest. I'd also like us to visit the garden centre the same day if that would be possible? Any chance of having that campaign email to arrange stuff like this?

At 12:51 am, Blogger simply human said...


I have sent you invite to create that account. I am going to AGM but would appreciate lift if anyone else is going there from SE London.


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