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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Surrey & Borders Trust Questioned on Consultation

Fiona Edwards
Surrey & Borders Partnership Trust
Ref: Epsom Garden Centre .

Dear Fiona

I am very concerned about the methods SABPT use to create changes in , User-services and the elements which make them up.

Its clear at the Epsom Garden Centre where Brian Hall had his £3 a day deducted , that very little consultation took place with the actual Users there. Ofcourse I invite you here to specify and confirm that your Trust did directly involve those Users at that centre or their direct Carers..

Quite what is meant by any form of User Representation at SABPT which is supposed to credibly represent those Garden workers at Epsom is simply not clear.

So how did your Trust specifically involve them at that centre in the changes that were implemented and appear to have been simply applied to them without their direct involvement ?

It appears you have some kind of User-type groups elsewhere in your Trust vicinity which appear to rubber stamp policies and lubricate them through which at the same avoid the specific difficulties of individual centre consultation eg . ref : The Epsom Garden Centre ..

Do you have plans to be more sensitive about how you measure patients voices and their satisfactions after changes you make to their services in the future ? What are they , in relation to each Centre or location of servces having its own right to express the voices of patients there in a recorded way so the PPI forum or anyone else independently can audit that ?

Auditing for effective patient satisfaction after service changes and the varying of arrangements have taken place , must be done for scruntiny . SABPT's arrangements appear to be very poor and non specific ...

Turning to the financial changes for Users at the Garden Centre ..

Have these folk had a chance to make up their losses by being awarded extra benefit money for their efforts ? Are they in receipt of allowable rewards or compensation for giving of their time ?

Have you had any drop out rates as a result of the changes you have implemented at the Centre ?

None of these things are clear Fiona and I complain they should be by now ...

We all pay for effective services in the country and effectiveness should be demonstarted ..


Paul Brian Tovey

Independent Monitor For Mental Health Matters


At 1:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if she will reply?

At 2:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiona Edwards has recently started to backdate replies to all e-mails she has received in connection with this matter. She originally ignored them .

At 12:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the adopt the head in sand route, but great they are replying


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