Another Christmas Delivery
Dear Jill,
I apologise for the delays in sending you a reply to your request for information and refer to your emails dated 16th November 2006 and 7th December 2006 and our subsequent acknowledgements dated 17th November 2006 and 8th December respectively.
We refer to your email of 16th November 2006, and after further investigations we are now in a position to be able to respond to the questions:
In answer to your question regarding the discrepancy of 20 people who have had their £3 a day payments reinstated, we would comment as follows:
This has come about because during the period of time between Peter Kinsey’s response and my response, a number of people have left the service and others have subsequently joined. Additionally, Assembly Matters in Redhill and in Horley has amalgamated and Netherne Print has now been externalised. Generally the number of people in the service will always be changing.
In answer to your question relating to the number of disabled service users Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Trust employs across the trust and in what positions, we would comment as follows:
We do not hold contemporaneous information on the health status of our employees. We have now published on our website our Disability Equality Scheme 2006 –2009. In Part 7, Employment Duties section (page 29) it identifies that there have been general constraints in data collection influenced primarily by the merging of three Trusts in April 05. The action plan commits to meeting the collection of a minimum data (page 29) and publishing annually staff in post figures (page 31). Quarterly reporting, analysis and remedial action plans will also be provided. You can find this document via the following hyperlink: -
In answer to your question regarding the Old Moat Enterprises account, we would comment as follows:
The information that you are requesting is enclosed within the Trust’s Business Case dated January 2006. Peter Kinsey’s letter to you dated 23rd August 2006 informed you that this document was exempt under Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, he also explained the reasons why this decision was made and why we were unable to disclose the information to you. This situation has not changed and therefore I have nothing further to add to this issue.
In response to your email dated 7th December, we have now addressed the questions you raised in your email of 16th November 2006. You also asked us to respond to issues that you raised about the content of a response sent in reply to a FOI request made by Mr Curley.
We have received no reply from Mr Curley to the response sent to him, or any indication that he had passed the matter to you to deal with. We would therefore require you please to clarify your position in relation to Mr Curley and his FOI request.
( To clarify, I repeatedly wrote to Jo Young and Fiona Edwards about Jo's failure to respond to or address my FOIA request and I have no objection to SABP answering Jill Goble's queations on this matter however I do have objections to Jo young implicating me in her distortions and lies and am copying this to her and Fiona as a formal complaint to let them both know this.
I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily however if you would like further clarity please contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your enquiry, you have the right to appeal and in the first instance this should be to the Head of Healthcare Systems, Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Trust, Elaine Gould on 01737 281046 or email
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can write to:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House,Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 01625 545700
Yours sincerely,
Jo Young
Jo Young
Director of Services for People with Learning Disabilities
c.c. Elaine Gould, Head of Healthcare Systems
Happy Christmas Guys
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