The scrolling images above are of board members , directors and senior managers of SABP and MCCH Society Ltd. These images are already available online on SABP's and MCCH's own websites. Click on images for details of who these people are.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Surrey PCT FOIA Request Update

I received this email from Surrey PCT this morning :

From: Wendy Lockwood
Date: 25-Jan-2007 20:24
Subject: FOI enquiry

Thank you for your enquiry submitted via our web site which has been passed on as a matter of urgency to our Freedom of Information manager,Juliana Luxton and Director of Communications and Corporate Mananager,Helena Reeves who are now responsible for Surrey PCT FOI requests, and those relating to our predecesor organisations. Both can be contacted at their surrey pct e-mail address

We will reivew our current front page freedom of information button to take account of the logo.

Yours sincerely,

Hope this helps.


At 2:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical!Do nothing until they have to.

At 3:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not follow the progress of The Freedom of Information Act as a matter of course. This would help Campaign and place it in a wider context.

At 7:04 pm, Blogger PatientGuard said...

If ofcourse you have put in a request and it exceeds the 20 working days allowance for the answering of the question then you can go straight to the IC officer to get them to intervene ..

At 3:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, along with the tens of thousands of other complaints the IC has received about public bodies refusing to apply and adhere to FOIA legislation.

People dont have the time, energy or patience to put themselves through such bureacratic acrobatics but dont think there isnt an effect, as people no longer feel the NHS to be as worthy of preserving as they once did which is why Radio 4 is leading all this week with people Whistleblowing on how the NHS is wasting public money.

This is a shift in attitude brought about through the incompetence of the NHS. It's an own goal.

At 5:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I have phoned up Diane Woods again today and of course she isn't there and neither is her PA. So I left a message with the receptionist and another with a Diane Pullen who I was told would deal with complaints. Going around the houses and getting nowhere again. Yes it does feel like a waste of time and energy but I am sure they arrange it like this to make us feel like giving up. But we have to keep at them. No contract has yet been awarded to anyone to run the garden centre and we have to see that when one is awarded it is in the best interests of the disabled workers. I will ring them again tomorrow...

At 6:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep at them Jill, just remember to look after yourself as well as these Trust bureaucrats deliberately play games and constantly stick obstacles in the way of their critics to increase the likelyhood of people burning out.

I'm wondering aloud if a small but informative demo outside the old moat garden centre might help even up the score a little.

Respond to their bureaucracy with publicity.

At 9:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the Diane Pullen person just rung me at 9.30am. She said she will speak to Diane Woods this afternoon and tell her to answer my questions. She will also pass over what I have said to the person who monitors freedom of information act responses and she will send me a complaints form. Just have to see if this does any good in getting a response? Its the MCCH report I am most concerned about right now and yes this may come to demos outside the garden centre later as well...

At 5:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets also hope the Surrey PCT gives up throwing cash at ' externalising' SABP work services and instead focusses its limited cash and resources on improving treatment and care.

The Surrey PCT should also be claiming public money back from SCMH - who ballsed up their work services review - and chasing up MCCH to make its report available .

At 1:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I have had an email from the PA to Diane Woods saying I will get a reply to my email by 'close of play' on Tuesday. Until then I suppose they are too busy playing out to reply...


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