"Look Now See What You Made Me Do"
Since I mentioned that Softools, the company ran by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust Chief Executive Fiona Edwards husband Mark Edwards had a contract with the Trust but hadnt declared their relationship when talking up the SABP contract to attract work from other NHS Trust's on its website, there's been a lot of interest in the blog from the Buckinghamshire area where Softools is registered and was once based.
We're talking numerous hits per day here.
It may be just a coincidence . I certainly thought so but the other day I absent mindedly mapped out all the hits from the IP in question and the pattern that emerged was of someone commuting from Buckinghamshire to the Surrey & Borders area almost every day .
This person had also logged on to this blog from virtually right outside my home - another coincidence I suppose - and their interest extends beyond the professional as the hits went up over the recent Bank Holiday weekend and they even seem to have checked in with the blog while on holiday in another country.
Someone needs a life....
The timing of the hits also suggest that this individual doesnt commute on a 9 to 5 basis - God, I feel like Lloyd Grossman on through the keyhole here ! - but is a professional who organises their own workload and routinely travels between different sites within the Surrey & Borders catchment area. Perhaps its an executive, academic or high flying paid service user representative....who knows.
In fact, the pattern is so established that it could be used to predict which geographical location the person leaves from and is going to be at on certain days of the week. I could almost meet their train. I wouldnt of course nor publish the map of their movements because it would simply be unethical. It might breach their confidentiality.
Dont get me wrong, I'm not nosy and I'm obviously glad people read and comment on this blog, the more the merrier either for or against it but has anyone ever seen that film Misery, based on the Stephen King book of the same name? You know the one where author Paul Sheldon (James Caan) has the luck to career off the road on an isolated snowy mountain track right on the doorstep of one of his most adoring and stable fans played by the amazing Kathy Bates.
Well, if I'm found with my ankles cobbled or worse any time soon --------- ------------ did it. Ok?
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